For people living with serious end-stage illnesses, Medicare Hospice Benefit provides a comprehensive package of services including crisis care. At All American Hospice, the crisis care team consists of a hospice nurse and home health aide. The crisis care team helps patients and family members during any medical emergency, for up to 24 hours a day, as needed, until the crisis is resolved. Examples of a medical emergency include the rapid deterioration of a patient’s medical condition, uncontrolled shortness of breath, changes in a patient’s mental status, severe nausea or pain, or the need for help stabilizing the patient after a hospital discharge—a discharge enabling the patient to die peacefully at home. Crisis care teams manage the patient’s symptoms and often teach caregivers about medications and the kinds of symptoms related to dying. Our crisis care teams offer peace of mind, support, and that extra touch during the most difficult times that families encounter.

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