Palliative Care Services in Pennsylvania
Hearing a terrifying diagnosis is always unexpected. Even those who had previous assumptions and were carrying out additional screenings to confirm their concerns are often unable to cope with such news. A thorny path is hard. But the pressure increases as the person has to fight against their sickness all alone.
Whether it’s you who needs support or your loved one, the person in need mustn’t be alone. Nursing houses and hospices aren’t always the best solution. They often lack a personal approach and emotional tenderness. Home palliative care services are an excellent alternative to cold medical institutions.
Looking for a highly qualified caregiver is a must sometimes. The closest people don’t always have a chance to quit their job and become a full-time caregiver. Although many patients would feel more comfortable with friends or relatives nearby, some of them require specialized care that can only be provided by professionals.
In order to understand how to choose the right specialists, it’s essential to understand the overall definition of palliative care and its features.

What Are Palliative Care Services?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Palliative care is an approach, which improves the life quality of patients, with life-threatening illnesses and their families, by preventing or relieving suffering.
It covers physical discomfort like pain treatment or other complications as a result of the disease’s progression or course of treatment (for example, chemotherapy). Moreover, it focuses on the psychological aspect, providing the necessary support to a patient and the family.
The latter is especially vital in terms of an understanding of life and death. It can’t be easy to prepare yourself for the moment of losing your loved one. It may be even harder for the sick who is ill. Specially trained caregivers can help the family to deliver the drastic news of the diagnosis, poor treatment effects, further disease progression, and so on.
Spiritual and psychological aspects of care are one of the top priorities in terms of palliative care services. Professional care can be made by a team, where you will find not only doctors and nurses with narrow specialties but also social workers, counselors, and even a spiritual support person, like a chaplain.
Those responsible for spiritual support, use such methods as counseling, visualization, etc. Sometimes special drugs can be prescribed. If you can’t afford professional psychological services, it’s crucial to find a tender and patient caregiver. Listening to the patient and showing empathy is an indispensable part of mental support.
Who Can Receive Palliative Care?
Despite the common stereotypes that palliative care is only provided at the end of life, today, the focus has spread to more serious illnesses. Basically, this type of care covers patients who suffer from severe, life-threatening illnesses. And this is not limited to the end-of-life period only.
The goal is to provide high-quality care and a decent lifestyle for those suffering from serious illnesses. The list of them is all types of cancer, chronic lung diseases, heart disease, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and others.
People often suffer not only from the illness itself but also from the treatment. For instance, the drug consumption for pain relief can result in constipation, while chemotherapy (a common cancer treatment) may lead to nausea. Therefore, symptom management is an essential criterion to provide the maximum comfort level under the given circumstances.
Palliative home care services may address symptoms like pain management, vomiting, diarrhea, bowel or bladder problems, labored breathing, depression, mental confusion, and many more.
The Benefits of Private Palliative Care Services
A life-threatening illness is a challenge for the entire family. In an attempt to ease the sufferings of loved ones, relatives are ready for anything. Private palliative care services are a good alternative that is the preferred choice of many patients and their families due to:
- Professional aid and care. A whole team of specialists is assigned to look after the patient. They may not exist all day, except for a caregiver who is responsible for assisting in daily routine.
- Personal approach. After all, there is a huge difference between an entire medical institution of patients and one on one. A caregiver has the time and effort to take into account all of the patients’ desires and needs.
- Emotional support for the entire family. Palliative caregivers facilitate stress and anxiety, not only for patients but also for the family members. After all, the mental state of the sick and his/her relatives are interconnected.
- Help in making treatment-related decisions. In the case of pediatric palliative care, a child himself can’t make treatment decisions. Adults are usually given the opportunity to choose. Specialized professional data-based advice is a must to make the most reasonable decision.
- A better lifestyle in a comfortable environment. A patient can stay home and be sure that they’ll have a decent lifestyle with dignity till the last day.
Whether you or your loved one has decided to try palliative care services in Philadelphia, choose a reliable provider with years of expertise. Contact All American Home Care representative, who will gladly resolve any questions and help you to choose the best type of service.