What Is Haldol?

Haldol—otherwise known as haloperidol—is an antipsychotic medicine that is mainly used to treat disorders such as schizophrenia. In hospice, however, Haldol is used to terminal delirium and agitation. It is also useful as a medication for vomiting and nausea. Over the years, Haldol has garnered a bad reputation for itself. However, it is recognized by […]

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Palliative Care At Home: A Viable Option

A loved one’s illness and inability to care for themselves can be difficult to watch. Home palliative care services may be an option if you discover that their health is deteriorating. Providing them with care in a familiar location can bring hospice patients much comfort — so let’s take a closer look at this solution. […]

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What Are the Hospice Requirements?

Hospice is a viable choice only if a physician determines that the patient has a six-month or less life expectancy if the ailment continues normally. Hospice requirements vary from illness to illness, but we’ll present a list of the general hospice eligibility criteria for patients. What Are the Criteria for Hospice? For hospice eligibility, doctors […]

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What to Expect When Someone is Dying of Cancer

With how common cancer is, there are very few people in the United States—and, indeed, globally—who have not been affected by cancer in some way. Whether your yourself have had it, or whether one of your friends, family members, or coworkers have been diagnosed with the disease, you have likely been touched by this debilitating […]

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What Does End-Stage Melanoma Look Like?

The most common type of cancer across the United States is skin cancer. In fact, it is so common that one in five Americans will develop the disease during their life. There are three main types of skin cancer: the less serious and highly curable basal cell and squamous cell cancers, and the more serious […]

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Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer Signs of Death

The final stages of death from pancreatic cancer can be vague and suddenly come without any warning. To avoid panicking and making irrational decisions, you should be aware of the end-of-life signs of someone who has pancreatic cancer.With 49,830 expected to die of pancreatic cancer, as a caregiver, it’s your responsibility to give your loved […]

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A Guide to the Types of Hospice Care

Hospice care is a type of care that provides comfort, support, and dignity to people who are nearing the end of their lives. When your doctor determines that you or a loved one has six months or fewer to live and has opted to forego curative treatments, hospice care is the best option. When you contact […]

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Is Multiple Sclerosis Fatal?

Being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis will have anyone questioning their life span and how the rest of their life will pan out. If you ask how long you can live with MS, the answer is a mixed bag. In the past, those with MS had a significantly lower life expectancy than those who did not […]

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What Are the Stages of Dementia?

Dementia isn’t a medical condition. Instead, it’s a collection of symptoms triggered by various other medical conditions. People with dementia can lose their capacity to think, remember, pay attention, and logically reason, as well as other mental functions. These symptoms are serious enough to harm one’s social or professional life. Dementia affects 5%-8% of persons […]

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All You Need To Know About End-Stage Dementia

The former Mayor of Cornelius, Oregon, Ralph Brown, went missing last May 16, 2021, and is still missing. He’s 76 years old, suffering from dementia. The family said he has early-onset Alzheimer’s symptoms that often lead to confusion and forgetfulness, but they never realized that he was exhibiting symptoms of late-stage dementia. Do you have […]

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