Different Signs and Symptoms of Brain Cancer

Different Signs and Symptoms of Brain Cancer

Different Signs and Symptoms of Brain Cancer

The human brain is considered the head and commander of the body. It is the center of the nervous system, and if a tumor hits this part of the body, many body functions may be affected. In a recent report, an estimated 84,170 people will be diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2021.

People with brain cancer may experience various signs and symptoms that may affect their daily life. Symptoms can be general or specific depending on the patient’s situation. Usually, most patients get a diagnosis of brain cancer after experiencing a few signs and symptoms. However, not every brain tumor causes symptoms. There are also patients with brain tumors who may not experience changes.

Symptoms of brain tumors can be tricky since some of them are also caused by other diseases. Getting an appointment with your doctor for an accurate diagnosis is the only way to know the cause of your symptoms. Tests like CT scans and MRIs are usually requested for better accuracy.

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Signs of Brain Cancer

Observing signs of a brain tumor that may lead to cancer is important. Here are a couple of signs of a tumor that you need to spot in brain cancer patients:


Headache is considered one of the signs of a brain tumor. However, not every headache is an indication of a brain tumor. The cause of headaches is the rapid growth and the location of the tumor in the brain. With signs of a tumor in the head like this, imaging tests such as MRIs or CT scans are used to know the reason for headaches.


A sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain causes seizures, and it’s also considered a sign of a brain tumor. Patients who are diagnosed with brain-tumor-related epilepsy are usually drug-resistant; that’s why treating them can be very challenging.

Brain Cancer Symptoms

If you are thinking on what are the symptoms of a brain tumor because you or someone you know is suspected of having brain cancer, here are the few symptoms that might help you learn more about brain cancer:


Vomiting or nausea can be one of the symptoms of a brain tumor. An increase in intracranial pressure or stimulation of the vomiting center in the brain stem directly can be the reason to trigger nausea in brain tumor patients. Aside from being part of a brain tumor’s symptoms, nausea and vomiting are normal symptoms of other pathology like gastrointestinal infections. That’s the reason why it’s important to check other neurological head tumor symptoms and accurately evaluate the cause of nausea or vomiting.

Blurred Vision

In some scenarios where the brain tumor is located in the part that directly affects the optic nerve, symptoms like blurred vision, partial or total blindness, color blindness, and peripheral vision loss may occur.

Neurological Symptoms

There are several symptoms of a tumor in the brain, and one of them is a neurological symptom. An uncontrolled movement, Tingling sensation on one side of the body, and muscle weakness in the face or arm are brain tumor symptoms. These neurological symptoms are caused by the affected part of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Because cancers can metastasize, patients can experience bladder control and bowel movement issues if the spinal cord is involved.

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Self-Identity Confusion

Confusion of self-identity may arise, as this is also a symptom of brain cancer. Alterations made by the tumor that affects consciousness and neurocognitive domains are the cause of self-identity issues. In some situations, patients may need extra support for their mental health because of different neuropsychiatric symptoms that may occur.

Perception and Memory

Patients with brain tumor symptoms such as not recalling previous events in their life mean that their neurocognitive domain is affected. There are also some instances that the patient may have hallucinations, uncontrolled impulses, and changes in self-identity.

Sleep-Wake Cycle

Primary brain-tumor patients’ most common symptom is the sleep-wake cycle. Sleeping disturbances are the most severe and extreme symptom of brain cancer. Fatigue, intracranial inflammation, and decline in cognition impairment can be the reasons for disturbance in the sleep cycle.

Communication Problems

Communication issues can happen if the temporal lobe and frontal lobe are affected by the tumor. Some of the signs that these parts of the brain are affected are language impairment, difficulty in speech, memory loss, and inability to make conversation.

Balance and Hearing Problems

Hearing impairment or total loss of hearing can also happen if the patient’s brain tumor affects the eighth nerve. The patient may experience gradual or sudden hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus, and dizziness.

Get Help From All American Hospice

Are you noticing brain tumor signs? Having several symptoms of brain cancer can be complicated and affect a patient’s everyday life. If you or your loved one is going through these challenges caused by brain cancer, feel free to contact All American Hospice. Our professionals can provide proper and adequate support and care in times like this.

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