Author Archive | hospice

When a Hospice Patient Stops Eating

Consumption of water and food is fundamental to human survival. Can you die from not eating? In order to function normally, your body requires both the energy that food provides and the water that it can absorb. If you eat a varied diet and drink plenty of water every day, your body will function at […]

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Spotting the Signs of End-Stage Multiple Myeloma

A cancer of the bone marrow, multiple myeloma, is extremely uncommon. The marrow becomes crowded with malignant plasma cells, which kill off healthy blood cells. Infection, anemia, bruising, and bleeding are some possible side effects. Bones dissolve faster than they are formed because myeloma cells boost osteoclast activity while simultaneously reducing osteoblast activity. Towards the […]

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Understanding Bone Cancer Life Expectancy

Bone cancer is a rare form of cancer that occurs in very few people in the world. However, being cancer, it is no less dangerous and demands your attention. How long can you have bone cancer without knowing? What are the chances of survival? And is bone cancer even curable? We will seek to answer […]

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Deconstructing the Stages of Death

Every journey towards death is a story true to its own. While some die without warning, others have to wait for its agonizing claws to chomp down. Would it be helpful to know the many stages of death we, or our loved ones, go through? Will we be able to handle them better? What Are […]

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Use Music to Liven Up Dementia Patients’ Days

Music, one of the most influential forms of art, is inextricably woven into the very fabric of human society and individuality. All of us have experienced music in one form or another, be it through listening to recordings, learning an instrument, going to a live performance, or even just dancing. It’s an unforgettable feeling that […]

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How Long Will Hospice Care Last?

Before you, your family, or your loved one are admitted to hospice care, it’s important to know how long hospice care will last. Depending on the circumstances of your situation, you might find yourself in hospice care anywhere from just weeks to several months. In general, most hospice patients experience anywhere from six months to […]

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How Spirituality Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Everyone knows a few zen spiritual people who seem to have life all figured out. You know the types: small smile, kind words, a wisdom that belies their age. They seem like they were confronted with the reality of the universe and somehow gained a higher form of understanding.But what is spirituality? And how can […]

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