Blood Cleaning 101: How to Purify Blood?

Blood Cleaning 101: How to Purify Blood?

Blood is an essential bodily fluid, and someone in the US always needs blood every two seconds to live. It’s thick and feels a little sticky but plays a crucial role in transporting essential materials throughout your body. But other than that, blood also carries toxic waste away from the body cells. Due to this, how can you be sure that your blood stays clean to keep you healthy?

This article will cover the basic things you need to know about blood cleaning. Keep reading to learn how to clean blood and which organs purify blood in the human body. We’ll also include the process and natural medicine for blood purification.

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Blood Cleaning and Purification

Keeping your blood clean and toxin fee is essential for good health. But when there’s an increase of toxins, it will hinder the blood’s ability to perform its main roles in the human body, such as:

  • Transport – blood is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body to metabolize and produce carbon dioxide, which the blood carries back to the lungs. Blood also delivers nutrients to the cells, transports hormones, and removes waste products.
  • Regulate – blood helps to keep things in the body in balance. This includes body temperature, pH level, and water balance.
  • Protect – the white blood cells and platelets are the parts of the blood that protect the body. Platelets will be formed immediately to clot, fix a damaged blood vessel, and stop the bleeding. On the other hand, white blood cells destroy invading harmful microorganisms and any infections.

One way to ensure that the blood can perform these functions properly is to purify or cleanse the blood. So, how to clean the blood? You can keep your blood clean through blood purification therapy, a widely used extracorporeal treatment of the blood in many ailments. Blood cleaning begins by removing toxins and pathogenic agents from the blood circulation and restoring the filtered blood to the patient.

Which Organ Purify Blood in Human Body?

Before we begin a more in-depth discussion about the process and medicines for blood purification, did you know that the body already has a system that manages the detox process and removes toxic wastes from the blood? A healthy person’s liver, kidney, and lungs can perform these tasks efficiently.

The liver in the upper right side of your abdomen primarily converts food into energy. Your liver plays the most crucial role in how to clean the blood by filtering and converting toxins such as alcohol, harmful metals, and some drugs into harmless substances. The waste is removed from your body once the body absorbs the filtered nutrients from the toxic substances.

Kidneys are also responsible for filtering waste and harmful products. These two bean-shaped organs purify the blood and release the toxins from the body in the form of urine. Unlike the blood purification process of the liver and kidneys, the lungs remove unwanted gases and then expel them from the body through breathing.

Other Organs That Handles Blood Purification

Here are the other body organs that can take care of blood cleaning alone. Keeping these body organs and the mentioned above healthy is enough to ensure that your blood will stay clean.

  • Intestines
  • Lymphatic system
  • Skin
  • Spleen

Blood Purification Process

If the organs or a healthy body are enough to purify the blood, how do you clean the blood of an unhealthy person? In a medical facility, the professionals apply blood purification therapy in three main areas such as:

  • Critical care
  • Life support for organ failures and
  • Management of metabolic and immune disorders

The blood purification process is called filtration, dialysis, absorption, and a combination of the three. Medical professionals should only do therapy based on the patient’s health condition, symptoms presented, and other factors.


The most common blood purification process is called filtration. How to clean blood with this technique? This process needs blood purification devices that will filter and return clean blood to the patient. These devices can be used in different ways, including continuous renal replacement therapy and reducing proinflammatory cytokines levels.

In 2020, the FDA released an emergency authorization on some blood purification devices to treat severe COVID19 pneumonia in patients with respiratory failure. They believed it would help reduce pathogens, cytokines, and other inflammatory mediators. An increase in any of these during infections can lead to severe inflammation, respiratory and organ failure, and death.

The hemodiafiltration or HDF used as a renal replacement therapy is a combination of hemofiltration and hemodialysis. This technique combines convection and diffusion that helps inflammation, anemia correction, and oxidative stress.


Another technique on how to purify blood is dialysis treatment. It’s a procedure where waste and excess fluids are removed from the blood after the kidneys stop functioning properly. The process will be done by a dialysis machine acting as the kidney and filtering the blood.

Here are the two types of this treatment:


It’s a treatment where the blood is pumped out of the body and circulated through a dialyzer machine. Nurses will insert a tube connecting the patient to the dialyzer machine on their neck or arms. The device has two essential parts, the blood, and the dialysate filter, separated by a thin membrane.

All impurities from the blood, such as urea, potassium, and extra fluids, will pass through the membrane and be washed away. On the other hand, all the filtered valuable parts of the blood will return to the patient’s body.

In the US, nearly 750,000 patients and 2 million patients worldwide have been diagnosed with kidney failure. These patients require a kidney transplant or hemodialysis treatment. Because of these numbers, hemodialysis is considered one of the most popular blood purification processes in and outside the US. In addition, since it works with a machine or with an “artificial kidney,” the patients can do each four-hour session in dialysis clinics or at home three times a week on alternate days.

Peritoneal Dialysis

If the dialysis procedure occurs inside the body, this blood purification process is called peritoneal dialysis. The peritoneal dialysis is where the cleansing liquid will flow through a tube into the patient’s stomach. Once the process is completed and ensured that the blood is clean, the cleansing the fluid used and waste will be released from the patient’s body.


Absorption blood cleaning techniques like hemoperfusion and plasma perfusion can selectively remove specific compounds from the blood. It’s the process of supplying blood through a column containing an adsorbent combined with a particular compound that acts based on its physicochemical and biological properties. A popular absorption blood purification process is called Coupled Plasma Filtration-Absorption or CPFA.

This method separates the plasma from the blood by a filter and circulates in a sorbent cartridge. Sorbents are insoluble materials used to recover liquids by adsorption. Afterward, the plasma will be returned to the blood circuit and undergo hemodialysis or hemofiltration. The purpose of this technique is to remove a sufficient number of hydrophobic molecules that the other blood purification techniques failed to do.

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Warning Signs of Toxin Buildup in Your Body

Now you know how to clean blood in a healthy and unhealthy body. Next, you need to know the symptoms of too many toxins in your body. You may experience the following signs that will mean your blood is no longer clean.

  • Change in body odor
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Excessive urination
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Runny nose
  • Skin-related issues
  • Vomiting

How to Clean Your Blood Naturally?

When you’re not feeling well, it’s hard to fight and deal with all these toxins that will make you look for medicines for blood purification. A wide range of detox products, cleansers, and diets are available on the market. Most of these are herbal supplements that are quite expensive despite having little evidence to support their claims. You should try the home remedies listed below because they’re a cheaper and safer way how to clean your blood.

Drinking Enough Fluids

How do you purify the blood by drinking fluids? Water is the most vital fluid to consume that will keep your blood clean. It doesn’t only help the kidneys to filter your blood but all the organs responsible for blood cleaning. Hydrate your body and drink eight glasses of water daily to ensure that all your body cells have enough water to successfully remove the toxins in your blood.

While drinking coffee and green tea does not directly help to purify the blood. These drinks strengthen and protect your liver. Coffee reduces the risk of death from chronic liver disease and improves response to antiviral treatments. On the other hand, green tea reduces fat deposits in your liver.

Detox juices like lemon juice and apple cider vinegar with baking soda are also one of the best home remedies for blood cleaning. Since lemon juice is acidic, it can alter the pH level in your body, which is helpful in removing waste from the blood. Apple cider vinegar with baking soda helps to balance pH levels and cleans body tissues and your blood by eliminating uric acid.

Healthy Eating

The key to keeping your liver and entire body healthy is to maintain a healthy weight. Avoid fatty and processed foods and consume healthier foods. You can also add more fresh whole foods to your diet to increase your intake of nutrients to help your organs function properly. Although it is not a quick blood purifier, it will definitely improve your overall health.


Of course, eating and drinking well is pointless if you don’t exercise. Physical exercise is also an effective way to purify your blood. When exercising, you sweat and breathe more, which means it will also exercise the lungs. Additionally, while exercising, the heart pumps more blood to the muscles, which is essential in cleansing the blood.

Other Food Items That Can Help to Clean Your Blood

Here’s the list of other fruits and vegetables that have possible detoxification effects to help you clean your blood.

  • Apples
  • Basil
  • Blueberries
  • Beetroot
  • Cranberries
  • Cruciferous Vegetables
  • Dandelion
  • Garlic
  • Grapefruit
  • Jaggery
  • Parsley
  • Roselle
  • Turmeric

Worried About Your Blood?

Maintaining a healthy diet and proper exercise is essential to limit toxins entering your body. If you’re healthy, it’s okay not to worry about how clean your blood is. But once you experience the symptoms mentioned above, whether you’re healthy or not, reach out to a health professional.

We at All American Hospice provide high-quality care services when you or a loved one are struggling with long-term health. If you have questions regarding your health, give us a call. We’ll always be free to help you.

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