An In-depth Guide to Laryngeal Cancer: Its Forms, Effects, and Oncology

An In-depth Guide to Laryngeal Cancer: Its Forms, Effects, and Oncology

An In-depth Guide to Laryngeal Cancer: Its Forms, Effects, and Oncology

As of late, laryngeal cancer has become more and more studied among American adults. According to recent updates in larynx cancer epidemiology, there are an estimated 2.76 cases annually for every 100,000 inhabitants, 14.33 cases of prevalence per year, and 1.66 deaths from laryngeal cancer every year.

Given this, laryngeal cancer has increased its incidences by 12% during the past three decades. This makes laryngeal cancer a part of the existing health concerns for Americans today. Having laryngeal has its own pain and financial costs. Hence, it is advisable to keep ourselves informed regarding the factors causing laryngeal cancer and how we can prevent them.

This page will provide you with the fundamental information that you must know about laryngeal cancers to enable you to take precautionary measures and lessen the threat of you getting this disease.

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Defining Laryngeal Cancer

To be able to prevent or combat this disease, we must know first the definition of laryngeal cancer. In this part, we answer the question, “what is laryngeal cancer?”

From the name itself, laryngeal cancer is the cancer of the larynx. The larynx is mainly responsible for the body’s capability to speak, breathe, and swallow food, thus gaining the alternative name, “voice box.” It is an organ located in the throat, just near the entrance of the windpipe or trachea.

Another description of laryngeal cancer sees it as a tumor that develops in the larynx. Cancer cells often proliferate starting from squamous, scale-like textured cells such as those that line the inner walls of the larynx. Laryngeal cancer may develop from then and there.

Areas Prone to Laryngeal Cancer Cells

Where does laryngeal cancer start, you may ask. In general, laryngeal cancer starts within the inner linings of the larynx. But the larynx is still segmented by parts that serve as the starting points of cancer cell mutations. These can be referred to as laryngeal cancer areas.

The larynx is segmented into three main parts which are:

  1. Supraglottis- This is located at the upper part of the larynx, just above the vocal cords. It also houses the epiglottis.
  2. Glottis- This refers to the middle part of the larynx that is occupied by the vocal cords.
  3. Subglottis- Contrary to the first one, this refers to the lower part of the larynx and lies in the middle of the vocal cords and the windpipe or trachea.

Most of the time, laryngeal cancer cells start at the glottis. The glottis accounts for 60% of the most reported diagnosis of laryngeal cancer. Second to the glottis is the supraglottis, comprising 37% of the tally. The remaining portion is for the least vulnerable area, which is the subglottis.

How Does Laryngeal Cancer start?

Laryngeal cancer is one of the two specific types of cancer that occur in the throat, along with pharyngeal cancer. You can have throat cancer once you start to develop genetic mutations in your throat area.

These genetic mutations can cause cells to exponentially grow in number, or to enlarge in an uncontrollable manner, and they may continue living on for years beyond the normal lifespan of regular cells. These mutated cells may accumulate and can form a source of tumor.

The factors leading to a genetic mutation in the throat still remains a mystery. But after several years of monitoring and observing common characteristics of laryngeal cancer patients, doctors have been able to take note of the factors that increase your risk of having the disease.

Forms of Laryngeal Cancer

Laryngeal cancer may come in different forms, depending on where the mutation of cancer cells started or began to concentrate and accumulate. These are:

  1. Glottic cancer – As is stated above, this is the most diagnosed type of laryngeal cancer. It is cancer that starts in the glottis area, which houses the vocal cords.
  2. Supraglottic cancer – This exhibits a type of cancer that affects the epiglottis, a piece of cartilage that keeps food from going into your windpipe. This starts in the upper part of the larynx.
  3. Subglottic cancer – This starts in the lower portion of your larynx, located underneath the vocal cords.
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Who Are the Most Vulnerable to Laryngeal Cancer?

After having evaluated the factors that lead to contacting laryngeal cancer, it is also good to know whether you are one of the persons vulnerable to the disease. Persons who generally have unhealthy lifestyles, and who habitually practice some of the factors stated above are the most prone to laryngeal cancer.

Specifically, here are some of the most vulnerable to laryngeal cancer:

The Elderly

The trend in laryngeal diagnosis shows that the elderly, people aging 60 and above, as well as the adult population, are the most vulnerable age group to laryngeal cancer in the United States of America.

It’s a good thing that there are in-home services that can greatly improve the condition of laryngeal cancer patients. Among the best is My All American Hospice – we excel in providing health and care services that are aligned with the specific and unique needs of each patient.

Tobacco Smokers

Laryngeal cancer is just among the many side effects of tobacco smoking – and smoking in general. The composition and chemicals in tobacco from cigarettes, pipes, and cigars heighten your possibility of developing laryngeal cancer.

The cancer risk of smokers continuously increases depending on how long they smoke and how much they smoke in a day.

 Family History of Laryngeal Cancer

Research has established that a family history of laryngeal cancer in first degree relatives makes a person riskier and more prone to having laryngeal cancer as well. The risk is all the more heightened when the affected relative is 60 years old or younger.

 Those With an Unhealthy Diet

Well, generally, people with poor and unhealthy nutrition open themselves up to different diseases. Specifically, a diet lacking in vitamins A and E can heighten your risk of laryngeal and other types of throat cancer.

What Having Laryngeal Cancer Is Like

The effects of laryngeal cancer have a direct impact on your voice and swallowing. It can lead to extreme hoarseness of the voice, as well as extreme difficulties and disturbances in swallowing food.

Getting the Best Care for Laryngeal Cancer Patients

If you or a loved one is diagnosed with laryngeal cancer, affording treatment and care in regular hospitals might be too much of a hassle given the commutes and long queues.

Availing the home services of My All American Hospice enables patients to get checked and treated right in the comfort of their very own homes. We are composed of registered nurses and skilled physicians who can render premier and top of the line medical services related to laryngeal cancer oncology.

Our services are highly personalized. We recognize the uniqueness of our bodily functions; hence our team of experts carefully examines the unique health situations and circumstances of patients. This is where we base a well-thought health care plan that is tailor-fit to the immediate and long term needs of your elderly loved ones.

Consult with one of our representatives today!

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