Testicular Cyst vs. Cancer: What’s the Difference?

Testicular Cyst vs. Cancer: What's the Difference?

Testicular cysts and testicular cancer can both cause pain, swelling, and discomfort in the testicles. While they may have similar symptoms, it’s important to know the difference between these two conditions.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the key differences between testicular cysts and testicular cancer, as well as the signs and symptoms of each. With the right information, you can make an informed decision about what kind of care you need.

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What Are Testicular Cysts?

Testicular cysts, also known as epididymal cysts, are fluid-filled sacs located in the testicles that are often harmless. They can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters and are typically found in young men between the ages of 15 and 35. Although they are not cancerous, they can cause discomfort, including pain, swelling, and tenderness in the scrotum area.

Testicular cysts are commonly caused by blockage of the epididymis, the tube that connects the testicle to the vas deferens. This blockage can be caused by an infection, inflammation, trauma, or even a birth defect. In some cases, cysts may form spontaneously due to abnormal development of the epididymis.

Although they can be uncomfortable, most testicular cysts are benign and can be managed conservatively with warm compresses and anti-inflammatory medications. If symptoms worsen or persist despite conservative treatment, it is important to have the cyst evaluated by a physician to rule out any other possible causes. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the cyst.

It is important to note that testicular cysts are not the same as testicular cancer. Testicular cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cells of one or both testicles and can spread to other parts of the body.


A testicular cyst is a small lump on the testicle and can be caused by a variety of conditions. Although it may look like a testicular cancer lump, they are generally benign and harmless.

Testicular cysts typically don’t cause any pain or discomfort, so they may go unnoticed until they are discovered during a physical exam. They often appear as firm round lumps or masses on the surface of the testicles. They may vary in size and shape, ranging from pea-sized to larger, egg-shaped lumps.

Even though testicular cysts are painless, In some cases, you may feel a painful lump on your testicle. This may be a sign of infection, but is not necessarily an indication of cancer.

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of testicular cancer may include:

  • A lump or swelling in the testicle area
  • A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
  • A dull ache or pain in the lower abdomen or groin
It is important to be aware of these signs and seek medical attention if you experience them.

If you experience any discomfort or pain in your testicles, it’s important to consult with your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. A doctor may recommend imaging tests, such as an ultrasound or MRI, to help determine if a testicular cyst is present. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the cyst.


Testicular cysts are common, benign growths that can cause discomfort. While they are not cancerous, they can be difficult to distinguish from testicular cancer. Fortunately, treatment options exist for both cysts and cancer.

If you’re experiencing any kind of testicular pain or swelling, it’s important to see your doctor right away. With a physical exam, your doctor may be able to determine if the growth is a cyst or cancerous.

If the growth is determined to be a cyst, it’s usually best to leave it alone. Most cysts will shrink on their own, and surgery may be recommended if the cyst is causing discomfort or pain. However, it’s important to monitor the size of the cyst and make sure it doesn’t increase in size. If it does, further testing and evaluation may be needed.

In some cases, testicular cysts may require removal through surgery. This is typically done if the cyst is causing significant discomfort or pain. It’s also important to note that some cysts may contain fluid that needs to be drained. Your doctor will discuss the best course of action for your particular situation.

Testicular cancer is a more serious condition and requires prompt treatment. The earlier it’s detected, the better the prognosis. Your doctor may order an ultrasound and/or a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment typically involves surgery to remove the affected testicle and may include chemotherapy or radiation therapy as well.

It’s important to recognize that testicular cysts and cancer are two very different conditions. If you experience any kind of testicular pain or swelling, you must talk to your doctor right away so that you can receive the appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

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What Is Testicular Cancer?

Testicular cancer is defined as a tumor on the scrotum which looks like a small bump on the balls. It is an uncommon, yet serious form of cancer that affects the testicles—the two egg-shaped glands located inside the scrotum. These glands are responsible for producing male hormones, as well as sperm.

The most common type of testicular cancer is called germ cell tumor, which is a cancerous growth that develops in the germ cells (cells that produce sperm). It is the most common cancer among males ages 15-49.


Testicular cancer can occur in one or both testicles, but usually, only one is affected. Symptoms of testicular cancer may include:

  • A painless lump on the testicle
  • A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
  • A dull ache in the abdomen or lower back
  • A sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum
A testicular cancer lump will feel hard and firm when touched. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor for further evaluation. If testicular cancer is diagnosed, treatment will depend on the size, stage, and type of tumor.

Treatment options may include surgery to remove the affected testicle, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Early detection and treatment are key to reducing the risk of testicular cancer spreading to other parts of the body.

How to Prevent Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is a serious disease, and it’s important to know the difference between a cyst and cancer. A testicular cyst is a fluid-filled sac that typically does not require treatment. Testicular cancer, however, can be life-threatening if left untreated. It’s important to know how to protect yourself from testicular cancer.

First and foremost, it’s important to get regular checkups and screenings. These can help detect any lump on the testicle early on and prompt you to seek medical care. Your doctor can help you assess any potential issues and determine whether further tests are necessary.

In addition to getting checkups and screenings, it’s also important to do monthly self-exams of your testicles. This allows you to get familiar with the way your testicles feel so that you can spot any changes. When conducting a self-exam, you should look and feel for any lumps or bumps in the testicles, as well as any changes in size, shape, or consistency. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, contact your doctor right away.

Finally, there are some lifestyle choices that may reduce your risk of developing testicular cancer. Quitting smoking, engaging in regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet, and managing stress can all help protect you from this serious illness.

By taking the time to understand the difference between testicular cysts and cancer, getting regular checkups and screenings, conducting monthly self-exams, and making healthy lifestyle choices, you can take steps to reduce your risk of developing testicular cancer.


​​The following are the three main therapies for testicular cancer:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Surgery
Your suggested course of treatment will rely on:

  • Your testicular cancer type, including whether it is a seminoma or not
  • Your testicular cancer’s stage
  • Surgical removal of the afflicted testis is the initial course of treatment for all cases of testicular cancer, regardless of the stage (an orchidectomy)
A single dose of chemotherapy may be administered for stage 1 seminomas after the testicle has been removed to help prevent cancer from coming back.

Sometimes, a brief course of radiation is advised. However, the likelihood of a recurrence is often minimal, and your doctors may advise that you be closely watched during the ensuing several years.

Only a small percentage of patients who get a recurrence often require additional treatment. Close follow-up or a brief course of treatment using a variety of drugs may also be advised for stage 1 non-seminomas.

Three to four cycles of chemotherapy employing a cocktail of various drugs are used for testicular tumors that are stage 2 and 3. After chemotherapy, additional surgery may be required to remove any damaged lymph nodes, deposits in the lungs, or, in rare cases, the liver.

Some patients with stage 2 seminomas may be candidates for less aggressive radiotherapy, occasionally in combination with a less complex form of chemotherapy. Depending on how far the tumor has gone in non-seminoma germ cell tumors, extra surgery may be required to remove tumors from other parts of the body after treatment.

Making the right treatment choice for you might be challenging. Although your cancer team will provide suggestions, you will have the final say.

You might find it helpful to prepare a list of questions for your specialist before discussing your treatment options with them. For instance, you might want to research the benefits and side effects of specific medical procedures.

Receive Compassionate Hospice Care

Testicular cysts are not as serious as lump testicular cancer, and if caught early, the treatment (if required) can be swift and effective. However, in rare cases, testicular cancer can be fatal. In such cases, it is beneficial to place your loved one in hospice care (or contact All American Hospice to offer these services at home) so that the patient can remain as comfortable as possible. Reach out today to learn more.

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